Oct 15, 2019 | Affording Braces, Insurance, Open Enrollment, Walton & Maready Orthodontics Raleigh
If you or your children need braces or Invisalign, now is the time to plan ahead! Visit Walton & Maready Orthodontics to learn about how you can afford a new smile! Open enrollment is right around the corner for most Americans with healthcare coverage through...
Aug 26, 2019 | Common Orthodontic Treatment, Straightening Teeth, Walton & Maready Orthodontics Raleigh
There are many reasons for having straight teeth: a confident smile, an improved bite, reduction of tooth wear, better dental hygiene. Whatever the reason, you have choices when it comes to accomplishing this. Your first step in reaching this goal is a consultation...
Jun 17, 2019 | Common Orthodontic Treatment, Invisalign, Invisalign® for Children, Walton & Maready Orthodontics Raleigh
There are so many options to straighten your teeth that anyone can find a method that fits both their lifestyle and their pocketbook! Traditional metal braces aren’t for everyone and that’s where Invisalign can help. Whether you are a teen or an adult, our...
Mar 19, 2019 | Common Orthodontic Treatment, Walton & Maready Orthodontics Raleigh
Orthodontic care in Raleigh and around the world has come a long way since it’s recognition as a dental specialty in 1900. Edward H. Angle was the pioneering dentist who started the first independent school of orthodontics and founded the American Association of...